Our Guide To Creating Space To Work


Jun 29, 2021


Open Spaces

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When you're organizing any space, it's important to think about why you're doing it. We like to say create space to enjoy. That means organization is for you. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, and expectations about what goes where often get in the way. Rather, it's about setting up the space in a unique way that allows you to get the most out of it.

Today, home offices are taking on many different forms. We've seen everything from the kitchen table to the fire escape, so we chatted with a few organization experts and pulled together our favorite tips to help you be more intentional about your work from home setup.

1. Have a designated area that you go to during work hours.

As the lines between work and home continue to blur, boundaries have become more important than ever. A physical boundary that you can enter or exit can help you stay focused during the day and encourage you to wind down at the end of the day once you leave the space.

2. Lean into routines to bookend your workday.

Before starting work for the day, consider stepping outside for a walk around the block. This movement can help simulate the feeling of going into an office. It's also important to maintain office hours if you can. Try setting a phone alarm to remind yourself to power down at the end of the day.

3. Treat your workspace at home like you would your desk at work.

You may not have an ergonomic chair, but elevating your screen, so your neck isn't strained can make a huge difference. An elevated screen is better for your posture, plus it will open up additional real estate beneath the computer for everyday essentials. If you're working from home temporarily, consider picking up a set of our Shelf Risers — a beautiful solution that you can repurpose for the pantry once you're back in your office.

4. Even if your sofa is the most comfortable seat in the house, try to avoid working from there.

If you can't find a comfortable spot at home for the full workday, try to identify a few different options—one for the morning, one for the late afternoon, one for the evening. These small changes will help keep you energized and avoid hanging out on the couch all day.

5. If you can, setup your workspace in a room with a door.

If you and your partner or roommates are all still working from home, try to set up your work zones in different rooms (if you have space) to avoid any interruptions.

6. Embrace the fact that you have company during this time.

Although it's important to maintain a sense of normalcy, this is an incredibly challenging time, so take comfort in those around you. Take planned breaks together or go for a walk in the morning before settling into work for the day.

7. If your workspace is also a communal space that's needed in the evening, have a plan for packing up at the end of the day.

If you're setting up shop on your dining table or creating a standing desk at your kitchen counter, make sure you have what you need to pack up at the end of the day. A set of Storage Bins, Wire Baskets, and Nesting Trays, will ease the process and help you avoid having to take out (and put away) a handful of items every day.

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