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Organize your bathroom essentials by frequency and purpose
Items used daily (or at least weekly) should be kept handy in a medicine cabinet and grouped together based on how they’re used to make your routines easier. Items you access less frequently, like band-aids or cold remedies, can be relocated to free up prime real estate. While you’re at it, try to get rid of any products you don’t love. Holding onto that moisturizer you don’t love the smell of isn’t doing anyone any favors.
If your cabinet space is limited (or non-existent) use portable storage to keep things tidy but easily accessible
If the surfaces in your bathroom are overflowing with products, try using portable storage—a small bin or basket—that’s stored out of sight to keep your space tidy and functional. Rather than pulling out a handful of products, this method only requires pulling out the one container. Plus, you will only have to put one thing away when you’re done. This makes it easier to access what you need, when you need it most.
Use small trays to help corral countertop essentials
If you have certain items that you want to keep out on your countertop, consider using small trays to keep them organized. Trays can help anchor your space and keep everything under control in a way that’s contained and tidy.
Free up space by relocating any overflow or surplus products to a storage bin in a nearby closet
If you’re really tight on space, you might be expecting too much from your bathroom. With the exception of a few rolls of toilet paper (that should always be kept handy) most surplus items can be relocated to a nearby closet. Wherever these items end up, keeping them contained in a bin will help you locate them quickly when needed.
Create zones based on how you use your kitchen and store items accordingly
Use whatever zones make the most sense to you but here are some ideas to get started. Cooking zone for pots, pans, utensils, etc. Prep zone for cutting boards, knives, measuring cups, etc. Coffee zone with mugs, spoons, sweeteners, etc. Not only will this ease any tension in your morning or evening routines but it will make it easier to put things away when you’re done.
Use trays to organize a group of miscellaneous items you want to keep handy
A tray for olive oil, salt and garlic near your stovetop. A tray for dish soap and a sponge near your sink. By adding a tray, you’re making these items feel like they belong there. It feels intentional and organized and it makes clean-up easier when you’re wiping down your countertops.
When storing items in your kitchen always consider proximity and frequency of use
Think about how you flow through your space: can your dishes be moved closer to your dishwasher to make unloading a little easier? Think about how frequently you access certain items: do those large serving platters you use twice a year need to be so easily accessible?
If your closet or dresser real estate is limited, consider relocating off-season items or low maintenance items elsewhere
Make use of our underbed storage bins for your seasonal items and consider using bins or baskets for low maintenance items like workout gear, swimsuits, socks, or pajamas where wrinkles are less of a concern.
Make things easier to find in your closet by maximizing vertical space
The space under your hanging clothes can be maximized with our Entryway Rack, which is the perfect size for small bags, books, our Medium Bins or nine pairs of shoes. Getting things off the floor helps protect them from getting dusty. A set of shelf risers can also be added to an existing closet shelf to create space for seasonal items or other things you may access less frequently.
Group items in your closet by type, color and length to make it easier to find what you need
Eliminate the frantic search by keeping like-items together. As an added bonus, this method will make your closet appear much more organized.
Create a landing zone for items that tend to stray
A tray for keys or a small bin or basket for incoming mail makes those items easier to find when you need them. In the case of mail, a small bin or basket helps keep the collection in check. If you’re like many of us who put off opening mail, a container that slowly fills up serves as a visual reminder to sort through the growing stack.
Clear out items that aren’t used or worn daily or weekly
Unless you have the space for it, the entryway should not be the place to store all of your shoes and jackets. Try to only keep the items you use daily (or at least weekly) and find another location to store everything else.
Have a system for dealing with outgoing items
Have an area by your front door for outgoing items: packages that need to be mailed, boxes that need to be recycled, a book borrowed from a friend. Having a designated place for these items makes you more likely to check them off your to-do list and less likely for them to be forgotten or overlooked elsewhere in your home.
Make it easier to remember what you need when you leave and what you need when you come home
If you find yourself forgetting your gym bag regularly, find a place for it by your front door so it’s the last thing you see when you leave. If you’re trying to spend less time on your phone, consider keeping a charging cable in your entryway as a reminder to leave your phone at the door. Convenience is a huge part of building habits, so creating low-effort reminders in your space will only make your life easier.
Use a physical inbox for everything
Whether it’s a bin or a basket, an inbox on your desk isn’t exactly a new concept. But rather than just using it for paper, try using it for all the items that tend to gather on your desk. The trick is to use something that’s big enough to fit what you need but not so big that it becomes a jumble. This keeps your desk clear of nagging distractions, keeps everything in one place, and the growing stack can serve as a visual reminder to deal with it every so often.
Go digital
Not only is this better for the environment, but it saves you time in the long run. Removing the need to organize physical documents or dispose of them securely will free up time for the activities that bring you more fulfillment.
Use small trays or drawer dividers to create order and keep similar items together
Office drawers can quickly get out of control since the rules are a little less clear. Just as you would keep forks, spoons, and knives together––try to use the same logic on your office drawers. Grouping items by type and use-case will make it easier to find what you need.
Create space with a shelf riser
If your desk surface is limited and starting to feel cluttered try adding a shelf riser or two to create some additional surface area. We’ve found ours make wonderful laptop stands.