Our Guide To Organizing Your Entryway


Jun 29, 2021


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As the first thing you see when you return home, an organized entryway can set you up for more enjoyable living. It’s all about creating seamless pathways to encourage positive habits. And it’s easier than it sounds. Here are a few of our favorite tips from organization experts to help you ease into the process of finding a place for everything.

1. Clear out the items you don't use daily or weekly

Unless you have space, the entryway shouldn’t be a place to store every pair of shoes you own. Our Entryway Rack will help you be more selective with what you store by the door (if a pair doesn’t fit, it’s time to find another home).

2. Place a set of trays near the front door for everyday items

Having a set place for everything builds good habits, creates calm throughout the home, and helps you remember where it all is. By placing a set of Nesting Trays near the front door for your wallet, keys, glasses, headphones, etc. you will save yourself from the frantic morning searches.

3. Create a landing zone for items that tend to stray

A Storage Bin or Basket by the front door can help keep your collection of accessories or mail in check. If you tend to put off opening mail, a bin that slowly fills up can also serve as a visual reminder to sort through the growing stack.

4. Have a system for items in transition

Having a designated Storage Bin or Basket for outgoing items like packages you need to mail or books borrowed from a friend can act as a gentle reminder to check those tasks off your to-do list.

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